Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 3, 2024

Talking about Health - Kids


Common Illnesses:

Cold (n) /koʊld/
EX: Sarah caught a cold after playing outside in the rain.

Flu (n) /fluː/
EX: The flu season typically peaks in the winter months.

Fever (n) /ˈfiːvər/
EX: Tom had a high fever and had to stay home from school.

Headache (n) /ˈhɛdˌeɪk/
EX: Sally took a pain reliever for her headache.

Sore throat (n) /sɔːr θroʊt/
EX: Drinking warm tea with honey can soothe a sore throat.

Stomachache (n) /ˈstʌməkˌeɪk/
EX: Eating too much candy gave Tim a stomachache.

Allergy (n) /ˈælərdʒi/
EX: Lucy has an allergy to peanuts, so she avoids eating them.

  • Asthma (n) /ˈæz.mə/
    EX: Billy uses an inhaler to manage his asthma symptoms.

Toothache (n) /tuːθˌeɪk/
EX: Mark needs to see a dentist because of his toothache.

Rash (n) /ræʃ/
EX: The doctor prescribed a cream to treat the rash on Emily's skin.

Treatment Methods:

Rest (n) /rɛst/
EX: The doctor advised Julia to get plenty of rest to recover from her illness.

Medicine (n) /ˈmɛdɪsɪn/
EX: Take this medicine three times a day with meals.

Apply ointment (v) /əˈplaɪ ˈɔɪntmənt/
EX: Apply the ointment to the affected area twice a day.

Use a humidifier (v) /juːz ə ˈhjuːmɪdɪˌfaɪər/
EX: Using a humidifier can help relieve congestion during a cold.

Take a warm bath (v) /teɪk ə wɔrm bæθ/
EX: Taking a warm bath can help reduce muscle soreness.

Apply ice (v) /əˈplaɪ aɪs/
EX: Apply ice to the swollen area to reduce inflammation.

Avoid allergens (v) /əˈvɔɪd ˈælərdʒənz/
EX: Susan avoids pet dander to prevent allergy symptoms.


  • Using "Should" for Advice:

    • Explanation: "Should" is used to give advice or make recommendations.

    • Example: "You should drink plenty of water when you have a fever."

  • Using "Can" for Permission:

    • Explanation: "Can" is used to ask for or grant permission.

    • Example: "Can I take this medicine before bedtime?"

  • Using "Need to" for Necessity:

    • Explanation: "Need to" is used to express necessity or obligation.

    • Example: "You need to rest if you want to feel better."


  1. Have you ever had a cold before? How did you feel?

  2. What do you usually do when you have a headache?

  3. Do you know anyone with asthma? How do they manage it?

  4. Have you ever had a fever? What did you do to bring it down?

  5. What should you do if you have a sore throat?

  6. How do you treat a stomachache?

  7. What allergies do you have, if any?

  8. Have you ever had a rash on your skin? How did you treat it?

  9. What do you do when you have a toothache?

  10. What's the best way to avoid getting sick?

  11. Should you drink cold or warm fluids when you're sick? Why?

  12. Can you take medicine without asking an adult?

  13. What should you do if you cut yourself and it's bleeding?

  14. Do you need to see a doctor when you have a minor illness?

  15. Can you apply ice directly to your skin? Why or why not?

  16. Should you scratch a mosquito bite? Why or why not?

  17. What can you do to prevent allergies?

Talking about Restaurant - Advanced


Restaurant Utensils and Spices:

Cutlery (n) /ˈkʌtləri/
EX: The waiter placed the cutlery neatly on the table.

Crockery (n) /ˈkrɒkəri/
EX: The restaurant uses high-quality crockery for serving meals.

Glassware (n) /ˈɡlɑːsˌwɛər/
EX: The bartender polished the glassware before serving drinks.

Tablecloth (n) /ˈteɪblˌklɔθ/
EX: A white tablecloth adds elegance to the dining table.

Pepper mill (n) /ˈpɛpər mɪl/
EX: The chef grinds fresh pepper using a pepper mill.

Salt shaker (n) /sɔːlt ˈʃeɪkər/
EX: Please pass me the salt shaker.

Wine opener (n) /waɪn ˈoʊpənər/
EX: The sommelier uses a wine opener to uncork bottles.

Napkin (n) /ˈnæpkɪn/
EX: Guests place their napkins on their laps before eating.

Spice rack (n) /spaɪs ræk/
EX: The kitchen is organized with a spice rack for easy access.

Blender (n) /ˈblɛndər/
EX: The bartender uses a blender to mix cocktails.

Mortar and pestle (n) /ˈmɔrtər ənd ˈpɛstl/
EX: The chef crushes spices in a mortar and pestle for seasoning.

Sauté pan (n) /ˈsoʊˌteɪ pæn/
EX: The chef cooks vegetables in a sauté pan.

Chopping board (n) /ˈtʃɒpɪŋ bɔːrd/
EX: Use a chopping board to dice vegetables.

Whisk (n) /wɪsk/
EX: The pastry chef uses a whisk to beat eggs.

Ladle (n) /ˈleɪdl/
EX: The cook uses a ladle to serve soup.

Grater (n) /ˈɡreɪtər/
EX: Use a grater to shred cheese.

Tongs (n) /tɔŋz/
EX: The grill cook uses tongs to flip burgers.

Oven mitts (n) /ˈʌvən mɪts/
EX: Wear oven mitts to handle hot trays.

Rolling pin (n) /ˈroʊlɪŋ pɪn/
EX: Roll out dough with a rolling pin.

Chef's knife (n) /ʃɛfs naɪf/
EX: The chef uses a sharp chef's knife for precise cuts.

Menu and Food Items:

Appetizers (n) /ˈæpɪˌtaɪzərz/
EX: The appetizers include shrimp cocktail and bruschetta.

Main course (n) /meɪn kɔːrs/
EX: For the main course, I'll have the grilled salmon.

Desserts (n) /dɪˈzɜːrts/
EX: The desserts include cheesecake and chocolate mousse.

Beverages (n) /ˈbɛvərɪdʒɪz/
EX: Choose from a variety of beverages, including wine and cocktails.

Specials (n) /ˈspɛʃəlz/
EX: The specials change daily and feature seasonal ingredients.

Salads (n) /ˈsælədz/
EX: Enjoy a refreshing salad with mixed greens and vinaigrette.

Soups (n) /suːps/
EX: Warm up with a bowl of homemade soup.

Sandwiches (n) /ˈsændwɪʧɪz/
EX: The sandwiches are served with a side of fries.

Vegetarian dishes (n) /ˌvɛdʒəˈtɛəriən ˈdɪʃɪz/
EX: Choose from a variety of vegetarian dishes, such as tofu stir-fry.

Steaks (n) /steɪks/
EX: The steaks are cooked to perfection and served with mashed potatoes.

Sushi (n) /ˈsuːʃi/
EX: Sushi lovers can enjoy fresh rolls and sashimi.

Questions for customer

  • "Could you pass me the pepper mill, please?"

  • "Do you have any specials on the menu today?"

  • "Can you recommend any vegetarian dishes on the menu?"

  • "How do you make the salad dressing?"

  • "What's the chef's specialty dish?"

  • "Is there a separate menu for desserts?"

  • "Could you tell me about the seafood options?"

  • "Do you offer gluten-free pasta?"

  • "What kind of beverages do you serve?"

  • "Is the pizza made with fresh ingredients?"

  • "Could I have a side of fries with my sandwich?"

  • "What's included in the appetizer platter?"

  • "How spicy is the curry dish?"

  • "Can I customize my order?"

  • "What's the soup of the day?"

  • "Do you offer any vegan desserts?"

  • "Could you bring us the dessert menu, please?"

  • "Is there a minimum order requirement for delivery?"


  1. What is your favorite restaurant? Why?

  2. When you go to a restaurant, what type of food do you usually choose?

  3. Have you tried any new dishes at a restaurant recently? How was it?

  4. Do you enjoy cooking at home? If yes, what dishes do you usually cook?

  5. Have you ever worked in a restaurant before? If so, what was your role?

  6. What do you think makes a good restaurant experience?

  7. Do you prefer dining in or ordering takeout from restaurants? Why?

  8. What is your favorite type of cuisine to eat at restaurants?

  9. Have you ever had a bad experience at a restaurant? Can you describe it?

  10. How often do you go out to eat at restaurants?

  11. Are there any restaurants in your area that you would recommend to others? What makes them special?

  12. What do you usually consider when choosing a restaurant to dine at?

  13. Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences that influence your restaurant choices?

  14. How do you feel about trying cuisines from different cultures at restaurants?

  15. Have you ever had a memorable dining experience at a restaurant? Can you share it with us?

  16. Do you think it's important for restaurants to offer vegetarian or vegan options on their menu? Why or why not?

  17. What role do you think customer service plays in the overall restaurant experience?

  18. Have you ever had to make a reservation at a restaurant? What was the process like?

  19. Do you think the ambiance or atmosphere of a restaurant is important? Why?

  20. How do you usually pay for your meals at restaurants? Do you prefer cash, card, or other payment methods?