Plot (n) = Storyline
Predictable /prɪˈdɪktəbl/ (adj)
The ending of the book was entirely predictable
Go downhill
After my parents opened my report card and saw how bad my grades were, it all went downhill
Cliffhanger (n)
The first part of the serial ended with a real cliffhanger
To resolve
Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools
No spoilers!
Warning: this review contains spoilers
An ending
A happy ending
A sad ending
To get distracted
It's very easy to get distracted when we work or study from home
Naked = nude /nuːd/ (adj)
Explicit scenes /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/
I feel shy when watching explicit scenes on TV with my parents
Billboard (n)
Big name actors = in-demand actors
Nicolas Cage is one of the top 10 big name actors in Hollywood
Prevent someone from doing something
Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice
To be a big sports/ music/ game show... fan
I'm a big game show fan!
Her name is Mary or Margaret or something
‘Is he coming?’ ‘That depends. He may not have the time.’
Things like that
She likes nice clothes and things like that.
You know what?
You know what? I'm hungry
A (little) bit of everything
What do you do on the farm all day?
A bit of everything, I guess. There's always something to do
Check it out
You wanna check it out?
Take a look
Let's take a look at this news, it's really shocking!
Phrases for talking about a TV show:
“My favorite program is…”
“I love watching…”
“I adore watching…”
“I hate watching…”
“I can’t bear/ stand watching…”
“That program keeps me on the edge of my seat”
“I can’t bear to miss an episode of…”
“The special effects are…”
Part 1: Talking about TV habits
Do you watch much TV? And how often do you watch TV?
I go through phases...
Sometimes I get really into a show...
I binge - watch a show over a few days...
I put something on in the background while i'm doing other things...
How much time do you spend on watching TV?
I spend...
most of my time
3 or 4 hours
only 30 minutes
...on watching TV
Who do you often watch TV with? And where?
I often watch TV alone/ with my husband/ wife/ the bedroom/ living room/ kitchen...
What TV program do you often watch?
I usually/ always/ sometimes watch...
What was the last show you really got into?
The last show I really got into was....
game show
talk show
Have you ever binge - watched a show? why?/why not?
Yes/ No
I used to, but now i'm too busy, I don't have time
Do you like to put TV on in the background when you're doing housework or working?
Yes/ No
Not really
Why? or Why not?
How do you watch TV?/ Do you watch broadcast TV, streaming services or both?
Both of them
Which one is better? Why is it better?
Streaming services are better because....
Broadcast TV is better because...
Part 2: How to describe a TV show in more details:
Why do you like that program?
I like/ enjoy/ love it because:
- It's so awesome
- It's really great
- It's amazing
- That show is hilarious
- It's super funny
- It's fascinating
- It's a really interesting show
- It's interesting/ exciting/ fascinating
- It's great fun
- It's uplifting
- It's realistic
- It's amazing
- It's addictive
- It's stimulating
- It's thought-provoking
More details:
What kind of thing do you watch?
I mostly watch crime series
I watch a mix of documentaries and medical drama
I watch a bit of everything
What's it about?
It's about Sports/ Music/ Traveling/ Cooking...
Who's in it?
Many big name actors like...
My favorite actress...
Is it funny/original/ exciting/ boring/ tear-jerker...?
Yeah, it's kinda/ kind of/ really/ very/ quite...
Where's it on?
It's on HTV7/ VTV3...
I'm watching a game show called Lightning Fast .
It's about solving tricky quizzes between 2 teams.
They invite many celebrities like actors, actresses, models, singers and so on to attract the viewers.
This show is quite relaxing/entertaining and lots of fun. The team members have to be quite smart and very quick to give the correct answers to the MC's.
It's on HTV7 channel. But I never watch it on TV because I don't really know the schedule of this show, then I often watch it on Youtube or on Facebook or something when I have free time, it's more comfortable and convenient.
Part 3: Talk about a TV show you dislike:
Describing bad TV Shows
Why don't you like it?
I dislike it because it's:
- Terrible
- Lame
- Awful
- Boring
- Frustrating
- Mindless
- Not funny
- Cheesy = Too emotional/ too fake
- Scary
- Depressing
- Sad
- Unrealistic
- Soppy /ˈsɑːpi/
“I think soaps are boring.”
“In my opinion, news and weather programs are usually depressing.”
“I find wildlife documentaries totally thought-provoking. “
Other examples:
It went downhill in later seasons.
Some storylines made no sense.
Every episode finished with a cliffhanger.
They had a lot of plot threads to resolve.
No spoilers!

In my opinion, there're some bad TV shows and one of them is The Face Vietnam or some Beauty Contests because I think there're some arranged results, the candidates are not really outstanding or talented and they don't have unique, gorgeous and naturally beautiful faces and bodies.They try to create as many dramas or scandals as they can to attract the viewers and audiences. Then the results are always disappointing/ frustrating, boring and argumentative.
More questions to practice:
1. Do you think TV is educational?
2. Do you think there is too much violence on TV?
3. What are the advantages of watching TV?
4. What are the disadvantages of watching TV?
5. What TV commercials do you like? Why do you like it? Which ones do you hate?
6. What is the purpose of advertising a product?
7. When you drive or walk, do you get distracted by advertisements on buses or billboards?
8. When you go food shopping, do you buy foods you've seen in TV commercials?
9. Do you think it's right to see naked women in TV commercials selling beauty products?
10. What types of TV program are there?
Which type do you like best?
11. When do you usually watch TV?
12. Do you think that TV makes people lazy?
13. Do you think too much time is spent watching TV?
14. Does TV make a person passive?
15. Does TV take away a person's ability to think for himself or herself?
16. Do you think that TV prevents people from communicating?
17. What do you think of TV shows that are designed to "discover new talent?"
18. What do you think about reality shows? Would you participate in one if you were invited?
19. Which channel does your family like the best?
20. Do you like watching TV alone or with your family?
21. Who decides what to watch: the parent or the child?
22. Is television one of the best inventions of all times?
23. What do you think of the "rubbish" programs on TV which are only dedicate to gossip about famous people?
24. There is a famous English saying that goes "you are what you eat." Does this apply to television? Can the programs you watch affect your behavior?
25. What kind of entertainment do children like?
26. Do you think children watch too much TV these days?
27. Do you think there are any possible dangers to society from the material broadcast on TV channels?
28. How do you feel when watching explicit scenes on TV with your parents? How do your parents usually react?
29. Does violence on TV influence some young people to engage in violent behavior?