Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 6, 2023

Talking about Gender Equality!


Warm-up Questions: 

  • Do you think boys and girls should have the same opportunities in school?
Why or why not?
  • Can you think of any jobs that are traditionally associated with a specific
gender? Do you think it's fair for only one gender to do those jobs?
  • How can we promote equality between boys and girls during playtime or
  • Have you ever seen someone being treated unfairly because of their gender?
What happened?
  • What does it mean to treat someone with respect, regardless of their gender?
  • Do you think it's important for both boys and girls to learn household chores?
Why or why not?
  • Can you give an example of a famous woman who has made a positive
impact in the world? What did she do?
  • Why is it important for boys and girls to be friends and support each other?
  • How can we encourage boys and girls to participate equally in sports and
physical activities?
  • What can you do to promote gender equality in your everyday life?


Gender /ˈdʒɛndər/ (noun) - genders

Example: Gender is not determined by one's clothing choices.

Equality /ɪˈkwɒlɪti/ (noun) - equalities

Example: Everyone should have equal rights and opportunities.

Feminism /ˈfɛmɪnɪz(ə)m/ (noun) - feminisms

Example: She supports feminism and fights for gender equality.

Discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ (noun) - discriminations

Example: Discrimination based on gender is unjust.

Empower /ɪmˈpaʊər/ (verb) - empowers, empowered, empowering

Example: Education empowers individuals to achieve gender equality.

Stereotype /ˈstɛrɪətaɪp/ (noun) - stereotypes

Example: Gender stereotypes limit individual potential.

Inequality /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒlɪti/ (noun) - inequalities

Example: There is still much work to be done to address gender inequalities.

Sexism /ˈsɛksɪz(ə)m/ (noun) - sexisms

Example: Sexism perpetuates harmful gender biases.

Prejudice /ˈprɛdʒʊdɪs/ (noun) - prejudices

Example: Prejudice based on gender hinders progress.

Misogyny /mɪˈsɒdʒ(ə)ni/ (noun) - misogynies

Example: Misogyny is a form of gender-based discrimination.

Empowerment /ɪmˈpaʊərmənt/ (noun) - empowerments

Example: Empowerment initiatives aim to uplift marginalized genders.

Bias /ˈbaɪəs/ (noun) - biases

Example: Gender bias affects decision-making processes.

Sexual harassment /ˈsɛkʃʊəl ˈhærəsmənt/ (noun) - - sexual harassment

Example: Sexual harassment is a violation of one's dignity.

Advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ (noun) - advocates, advocated, advocating

Example: She advocates for gender equality in the workplace.

gender roles /ˈdʒɛndər rəʊlz/ (noun) -

Example: Traditional gender roles can be restrictive.

Equal rights /ˈiːkwəl raɪts/ (noun) -

Example: The movement fights for equal rights for all genders.

Oppression /əˈprɛʃ(ə)n/ (noun) - oppressions

Example: Overcoming oppression is essential for achieving gender equality.

Prejudiced /ˈprɛdʒʊdɪst/ (adjective) -

Example: Being prejudiced hinders progress towards gender equality.

Gender bias /ˈdʒɛndər baɪəs/ (noun) -

Example: Gender bias leads to unequal treatment in various areas.

Gender identity /ˈdʒɛndər aɪˈdɛntɪti/ (noun) -

Example: Gender identity is a deeply personal aspect of a person's identity.

Sexual orientation /ˈsɛkʃʊəl ˌɔːrɪˈɛnteɪʃ(ə)n/ (noun) - Everyone deserves respect regardless of their sexual orientation.

Gender expression /ˈdʒɛndər ɪkˈsprɛʃ(ə)n/ (noun) - Gender expression encompasses how individuals present their gender to others.

Inclusivity /ɪnˈkluːsɪvɪti/ (noun) - Inclusivity means creating environments that embrace diversity in gender identities.\

Gender stereotypes /ˈdʒɛndər ˈstɛrɪətaɪps/ (noun) - Gender stereotypes limit individuals based on societal expectations.

Patriarchy /ˈpeɪtriɑːki/ (noun) - Patriarchy refers to a system that privileges men over women.    

Transgender /trænzˈdʒɛndər/ (adjective) - Transgender people identify with a gender different from their assigned sex.

Gender equity /ˈdʒɛndər ˈɛkwɪti/ (noun) - Gender equity aims to provide fairness and justice for all genders.

Intersectionality /ˌɪntərˌsɛkʃəˈnælɪti/ (noun) - Intersectionality recognizes that individuals experience multiple forms of discrimination.

Femininity /ˌfɛmɪˈnɪnɪti/ (noun) - Femininity should be celebrated and respected as an expression of gender identity.

Inclusion /ɪnˈkluːʒ(ə)n/ (noun) - Inclusion means providing equal opportunities and valuing diversity in all aspects of society.

Gender-neutral /ˈdʒɛndə ˈnjuːtrəl/ (adjective) - Gender-neutral language promotes inclusivity and avoids assumptions based on gender.

Glass ceiling /ɡlɑːs ˈsiːlɪŋ/ (noun) - The glass ceiling refers to the invisible barriers that hinder women's career advancement.

Gender norms
/ˈdʒɛndər nɔːmz/ (noun) - Gender norms are societal expectations regarding behavior and roles based on gender.

Transphobia /trænsˈfoʊbiə/ (noun) - Transphobia is the fear, discrimination, or prejudice against transgender individuals.

Gender revolution /ˈdʒɛndər ˌrɛvəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (noun) - The gender revolution advocates for breaking down gender barriers and embracing diversity.


  • Break the glass ceiling - This idiom refers to overcoming the
invisible barri
  • Give someone a fair shake - This idiom means to treat someone fairly and
without bias or discrimination.
  • In the same boat - This idiom implies that everyone is facing the same
challenges or obstacles, regardless of their gender.
  • Share the load - This idiom suggests the importance of distributing
responsibilities equally among all individuals, regardless of gender.

  • Cut both ways - This idiom implies that an action or situation can have both positive and negative effects on different genders equally.
  • Two sides of the same coin - This idiom means that two things may seem
different on the surface but are closely related or interconnected, similar to the
experiences of different genders in society.
  • Break the mold - This idiom refers to challenging traditional or stereotypical
expectations and norms regarding gender roles.
  • Wear many hats - This idiom means to have multiple roles or responsibilities,
highlighting the ability of individuals to excel in various areas regardless of gender.
  • Share and share alike - This idiom emphasizes the importance of equitable
distribution and sharing of resources, opportunities, and responsibilities among all
individuals, regardless of their gender.


Part 1:

  • Do you think gender equality is important in society? Why?
  • How do you think gender roles have changed in recent years?
  • Are there any traditional gender roles in your country? Can you give examples?
  • Do you think men and women should have the same opportunities in the workplace?
Why or why not?
  • Are there any differences in the way boys and girls are raised in your culture?

Part 2 (Cue Card): Describe a person who has worked to promote gender equality. 

You should say:

  • Who the person is

  • What they have done to promote gender equality

  • Why their work is important

  • How they have influenced others

Part 3:

  • In your opinion, how can schools promote gender equality among students?
  • What role do you think the media plays in shaping gender stereotypes?
  • How can gender biases impact the workplace environment?
  • Are there any challenges that men face in terms of gender equality? Can you

give examples?

  • How can government policies contribute to achieving gender equality in



  • Do you think boys and girls should have the same rights and opportunities?
  • What are some examples of gender stereotypes you have observed in society?
  • How can we promote equality between boys and girls at home?
  • Why is it important to teach children about gender equality from a young age?
  • Can you think of any professions that are traditionally associated with a
specific gender? Do you think this is fair?
  • What can schools do to ensure equal treatment of boys and girls in the
  • Do you think it's important for boys and girls to have the same access to
education? Why or why not?
  • How can we encourage girls to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated
  • What are some ways we can challenge gender roles and expectations in
  • Do you think men and women should share household chores equally? Why
or why not?
  • Should gender be a determining factor in how we allocate leadership roles?
Why or why not?
  • How can we promote gender equality in sports and athletic activities?
  • Can you think of any historical figures who have made significant contributions
to gender equality?
  • What can individuals do to support and promote gender equality in their
  • How can the media play a role in shaping perceptions of gender
  • Do you think gender-based violence is a significant issue? Why or
why not?
  • Should companies be required to ensure pay equity between men
and women? Why or why not?
  • How can we address the underrepresentation of women in positions
of power and leadership?
  • Do you think there should be quotas to increase the number of
women in political positions? Why or why not?
  • How can men be allies in the fight for gender equality?
  • What are some common challenges that women face in the
  • How can gender biases impact career opportunities and
  • What are some ways in which society can challenge harmful beauty
standards and body image expectations?
  • Do you think there should be gender-specific roles or quotas in
traditionally male-dominated industries? Why or why not?
  • How can cultural and religious beliefs influence gender equality in
different societies?
  • Can you think of any examples where gender intersects with other
forms of discrimination, such as race or socioeconomic status?
  • How can we encourage more women to pursue careers in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)?
  • What are the main barriers to achieving gender equality in education, and
how can we overcome them?
  • How can men actively contribute to dismantling toxic masculinity and
promoting gender equality?
  • What are some ways in which gender inequality manifests in the political
  • How can gender equality positively impact economic growth and development?
  • In what ways can social media platforms be used to raise awareness and
promote gender equality?
  • How can parents and caregivers play a role in promoting gender equality in
children's upbringing?
  • What are the potential consequences of not addressing gender inequality in
  • How can organizations and companies implement policies to ensure gender
equality in the workplace?

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