Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 5, 2023

Talking about color


Warm up Questions : 

  1. What is your favorite color? 

  2. Can you name three primary colors? /ˈ

  3. What color are bananas? /

  4. How many colors are in a rainbow? 

  5. What color do you get when you mix red and yellow? 

  6. What color is a stop sign? 

  7. Name a warm color. ?

  8. Name a cool color.

  9. What color are most tree leaves in the summer?

Chromatic /krəˈmatɪk/ (adjective)

Hue /hjuː/ (noun)

Saturation /ˌsætʃəˈreɪʃən/ (noun)


Vibrancy /ˈvaɪbrənsi/ (noun)

Tint /tɪnt/ (noun)

Shade /ʃeɪd/ (noun)

Tone /toʊn/ (noun)

Palette /ˈpælɪt/ (noun)

Gradient /ˈgreɪdiənt/ (noun)

Monochromatic /ˌmɒnəʊkrəˈmatɪk/ (adjective)

complementary color ( kɒmplɪˈmɛntəri ˈkʌlərz/ ) (noun)’

Analogous colors /əˈnæləɡəs ˈkʌlərz/ (noun)

Warm colors /wɔrm ˈkʌlərz/ (noun)

Cool colors /kul ˈkʌlərz/ (noun)

Color harmony /ˈkʌlər ˈhɑrməni/ (noun)

Color contrast /ˈkʌlər ˈkɒntræst/ (noun)

Color scheme /ˈkʌlər ski:m/ (noun)


Primary colors /ˈpraɪməri ˈkʌlərz/ (noun)

Secondary colors /ˈsɛkəndəri ˈkʌlərz/ (noun)

Tertiary colors /ˈtɝːʃəri ˈkʌlərz/ (noun)

Color wheel /ˈkʌlər ˈhwil/ (noun)

Color psychology /ˈkʌlər saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (noun)

Color blindness /ˈkʌlər ˈblaɪndnəs/ (noun)

Pigment /ˈpɪɡmənt/ (noun)

Color mixing /ˈkʌlər ˈmɪksɪŋ/ (verb)

Color gradient /ˈkʌlər ˈɡreɪdiənt/ (noun)

Color theory /ˈkʌlər ˈθiəri/ (noun)

Colorimeter /ˌkʌləˈrɪmɪtər/ (noun)

Iridescent /ˌɪrɪˈdɛsənt/ (adjective)


  1. Use "to be" to describe the color of an object:

    1. The car is red.

    2. Her dress is blue.

  2. Use "to have" to describe the color of an object:

    1. The house has a green roof.

    2. He has brown eyes.

  3. Compare colors between objects:

    1. The book is lighter than the table. (The book's color is lighter than

the table's color)

    1. Her hair is darker than mine. (Her hair color is darker than my

hair color)

  1. Describe mixed colors:

    1. The painting is a mix of blue and green. 

    2. This shirt is a shade of purple. (The shirt has a shade of purple


  1. Describe perceptions of colors:

    1. That pink is very vibrant. (The pink color is very lively)

    2. The colors are too dull. (The colors are not bright enough)

  2. Use "colored" to describe the color of an object:

    1. She bought a gold-colored necklace. (She bought a necklace

that has a gold color)

    1. I have a silver-colored watch.


  1. How do different colors influence people's emotions and perceptions?
  2. What role do colors play in various cultures and traditions around the world?
  3. How important is color choice in interior design, fashion, or branding?Why?
  4. Do you believe that certain colors are better suited for specific purposes or settings? Explain your answer.
  5. How does color affect the way people perceive and consume products or services?
  6. In what ways can colors be used to convey messages or ideas, such as in art or advertising?
  7. What are some examples of how colors have been used symbolically throughout history?
  8. How does color psychology affect people's decision-making processes?
  9. Do you think color preferences are influenced more by culture or personal experiences? Why?
  10. How can understanding color theory be useful in various fields or professions?
  11. How does color blindness affect individuals in their daily lives and interactions with the world around them?
  12. How have artists and designers used color to create impactful and memorable works?
  13. How do colors in nature serve functional purposes, such as in animal camouflage or attracting pollinators?
  14. Can you think of any examples where color has played a significant   role in a social or political movement?
  15. How do colors help people navigate and interpret information in   various media, such as websites, apps, or maps?

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