Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 5, 2023

Talking about Snacks!

 Warm-up Questions: 

How often do you eat snacks during the day?

What are your favorite types of snacks?

How do you feel after consuming unhealthy snacks?

Are you aware of the health risks associated with excessive snacking?

Have you ever experienced any negative health effects due to snacking?

Do you think it's essential to control your snacking habits for better health?

What steps have you taken or plan to take to reduce your snack intake?

How do you ensure that you're choosing healthier snack options?

What are some nutritious alternatives to unhealthy snacks that you enjoy?

In what ways has your diet changed to incorporate healthier snacking habits?

Vocabulary :

snack /snæk/ (n.)

chips /tʃɪps/ (n. pl.)

popcorn /ˈpɒpkɔːrn/ (n.)

pretzel /ˈprɛtsəl/ (n.)

cookie /ˈkʊki/ (n.)

candy /ˈkændi/ (n.)

chocolate /ˈʧɒkəlɪt/ (n.)

nuts /nʌts/ (n. pl.)

cracker /ˈkrækər/ (n.)

cereal bar /ˈsɪriəl bɑr/ (n.)

granola /ɡrəˈnoʊlə/ (n.)

yogurt /ˈjoʊɡərt/ (n.)

gummy bears /ˈɡʌmi bɛərz/ (n. pl.)

licorice /ˈlɪkərɪʃ/ (n.)

marshmallow /ˈmɑrʃˌmæloʊ/ (n.)

trail mix /ˈtreɪl mɪks/ (n.)

jerky /ˈdʒɜrki/ (n.)

cheese puffs /tʃiz pʌfs/ (n. pl.)

popcorn shrimp /ˈpɒpkɔːrn ʃrɪmp/ (n.)

fruit snacks /frut snæks/ (n. pl.)

tortilla chips /tɔrˈtiə ˈtʃɪps/ (n. pl.)

rice cakes /raɪs keɪks/ (n. pl.)

peanut butter /ˈpiːnət ˈbʌtər/ (n.)

dried fruit /draɪd frut/ (n.)

caramel /ˈkærəməl/ (n.)

jelly beans /ˈʤɛli binz/ (n. pl.)

nachos /ˈnɑtʃoʊz/ (n. pl.)

onion rings /ˈʌnjən rɪŋz/ (n. pl.)

mozzarella sticks /mɒtsəˈrɛlə stɪks/ (n. pl.)

potato skins /pəˈteɪtoʊ skɪnz/ (n. pl.)

waffles /ˈwɒfəlz/ (n. pl.)

doughnut /ˈdoʊnʌt/ (n.)

brownie /ˈbraʊni/ (n.)

cupcake /ˈkʌpˌkeɪk/ (n.)

croissant /krəˈsɑnt, kwɑˈsɔ̃/ (n.)

muffin /ˈmʌfɪn/ (n.)

macaron /ˌmækəˈrɒn/ (n.)

canapé /ˈkænəˌpeɪ/ (n.)

slider /ˈslaɪdər/ (n.)

spring roll /ˈsprɪŋ roʊl/ (n.)

sushi /ˈsuʃi/ (n.)

empanada /ˌɛmpəˈnɑdə/ (n.)

samosa /səˈmoʊsə/ (n.)

fudge /fʌdʒ/ (n.)

popcorn chicken /ˈpɒpkɔːrn ˈʧɪkɪn/ (n.)

pita chips /ˈpitə tʃɪps/ (n. pl.)

fingersandwiches  /ˈfɪŋɡər ˈsændwɪʧɪz/ (n. pl.)

prawn crackers /prɔːn ˈkrækərz/ (n. pl.)

veggie sticks /ˈvɛʤi stɪks/ (n. pl.)

What happens when you eat too many snacks?

weight gain /ˈweɪt ɡeɪn/ (n.)

obesity /oʊˈbiːsɪti/ (n.)

diabetes /daɪəˈbiːtɪs/ (n.)

high cholesterol /haɪ kəˈlɛstəˌroʊl/ (n.)

hypertension /ˌhaɪpərˈtɛnʃən/ (n.)

heart disease /ˈhɑrt dɪˈziːz/ (n.)

tooth decay /ˈtuθ dɪˈkeɪ/ (n.)

cavities /ˈkævɪtiz/ (n. pl.)

metabolic syndrome /məˈtæbəlɪk ˈsɪndroʊm/ (n.)

inflammation /ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃən/ (n.)

insulin resistance /ˈɪnsəlɪn rɪˈzɪstəns/ (n.)

nutrient deficiency /ˈnuːtriənt dɪˈfɪʃənsi/ (n.)

digestive issues /dɪˈʤɛstɪv ˈɪʃuz/ (n. pl.)

food addiction /fuːd əˈdɪkʃən/ (n.)

unhealthy snacking /ʌnˈhɛlθi snækɪŋ/ (n.)

mood swings /ˈmud swɪŋz/ (n. pl.)

fatigue /fəˈtiɡ/ (n.)

liver damage /ˈlɪvər ˈdæmɪʤ/ (n.)

poor diet /pʊər ˈdaɪət/ (n.)

overeating /ˌoʊvərˈiːtɪŋ/ (n.)


caloric intake /kəˈlɔrɪk ˈɪnteɪk/ (n.)

portion control /ˈpɔrʃən kənˈtroʊl/ (n.)

artificial ingredients /ˌɑrtɪˈfɪʃəl ɪnˈgridiənts/ (n. pl.)

processed foods /ˈprəsɛst fuːdz/ (n. pl.)

unhealthy fats /ʌnˈhɛlθi fæts/ (n. pl.)

Snacks idioms : 

A piece of cake - something that is very easy to do.

Couch potato - a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television, often while snacking.

Bite off more than one can chew - to take on more responsibility or tasks than one can handle.

Food for thought - something that warrants serious consideration or contemplation.

Full of beans - energetic and enthusiastic.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire - going from a bad situation to an even worse one.

Spill the beans - to reveal a secret or confidential information.

The way to a person's heart is through their stomach - showing love or winning someone over by cooking or providing food.

You are what you eat - a person's health is determined by the quality of the food they consume.

A taste of your own medicine - experiencing the same treatment one has given to others, usually in a negative context.


  1. What are some of your favorite snacks?

  2. Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?

  3. How often do you eat snacks?

  4. What snacks do you usually eat between meals?

  5. Can you name some healthy snack options?

  6. What kind of snacks do you like to eat when watching movies or TV shows?

  7. Do you prepare any homemade snacks? If so, what are they?

  8. How do you choose which snacks to buy at the grocery store?

  9. What is your favorite snack to eat while studying or working?

  10. Can you name some popular snacks from your country?

  11. How does weight gain impact your overall health?

  12. What are some of the main causes of obesity?

  13. How can diabetes be linked to excessive snacking?

  14. How can high cholesterol levels affect your health?

  15. What lifestyle changes can help prevent hypertension?

  16. Can frequent snacking increase the risk of heart disease?

  17. How do sugary snacks contribute to tooth decay?

  18. What measures can you take to prevent cavities?

  19. How does metabolic syndrome relate to unhealthy snacking habits?

  20. How does inflammation affect your body when consuming unhealthy snacks?

  21. What is the relationship between insulin resistance and excessive snacking?

  22. How can nutrient deficiency be a result of an unhealthy snacking habit?

  23. Can digestive issues arise from consuming processed snacks?

  24. How can food addiction lead to unhealthy snacking habits?

  25. What are the consequences of unhealthy snacking on mental health?

  26. Can mood swings be triggered by consuming unhealthy snacks?

  27. How does fatigue relate to excessive snacking?

  28. Can liver damage be a result of consuming too many unhealthy snacks?

  29. How can a poor diet affect your overall well-being?

  30. How does overeating contribute to health issues?

  31. How can monitoring caloric intake help in managing snacking habits?

  32. Why is portion control essential when consuming snacks?

  33. How do artificial ingredients in snacks impact your health?

  34. What are the health risks associated with consuming processed foods?

  35. Why is it important to limit unhealthy fats in your diet?

  36. How can you replace unhealthy snacks with healthier options?

  37. What are some examples of nutritious snacks you can enjoy?

  38. How can regular exercise help counteract the effects of excessive snacking?

  39. Can drinking water help curb your snacking habits?

  40. How can consuming more fruits and vegetables help you maintain a healthy diet?

  41. What strategies can you use to avoid the temptation of unhealthy snacks?

  42. Can consuming protein-rich snacks help you feel fuller for longer?

  43. How can fiber-rich snacks benefit your digestive health?

  44. Can healthy snacking habits improve your energy levels?

  45. How does sleep quality relate to your snacking habits?

  46. How can stress management help you control your snacking habits?

  47. How do your snacking habits change when you're in social situations?

  48. Can meal planning help you reduce your reliance on unhealthy snacks?

  49. How can keeping a food diary help you monitor your snacking habits?


What is your opinion on snacks between meals?

In my opinion, having snacks between meals can be both beneficial and

detrimental, depending on the type of snacks consumed and the

frequency. Snacking on healthy options like fruits, nuts, or yogurt can

help maintain energy levels, regulate blood sugar, and prevent

overeating during main meals. However, it's important to be mindful

of portion sizes and choose nutritious snacks over processed or

high-calorie options. Consuming unhealthy snacks regularly can lead to

weight gain, nutritional imbalances, and other health issues. So,

moderation and making informed choices are key when it comes to

snacking between meals.

Is it healthy to eat snacks?

Whether eating snacks is healthy or not largely depends on the type of

snacks and the quantity consumed. Eating healthy snacks in moderation

can provide several benefits, such as helping to maintain energy levels

throughout the day, preventing overeating during main meals, and

supporting overall balanced nutrition.

Healthy snack options include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, yogurt,

and whole-grain products. These options are rich in essential nutrients,

vitamins, and minerals, and they can contribute positively to one's

overall health.

On the other hand, consuming unhealthy snacks, such as those high in

sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats, can lead to weight gain, nutritional

imbalances, and an increased risk of chronic health issues. As a result,

it is essential to choose snacks wisely and practice moderation when


In summary, snacking can be healthy when incorporating nutritious

options and portion control. It is crucial to be mindful of the quality

and quantity of the snacks consumed to ensure a balanced diet and

support overall well-being.

What kind of snacks do you like to eat?

I enjoy a variety of snacks. For instance, I really like to eat fresh fruits

such as apples, oranges, and bananas, as they are not only delicious but

also packed with vitamins and nutrients. In addition to that, I'm a big fan

of raw vegetables like carrot sticks or cucumber slices, and I often eat

them with healthy dips like hummus. Another snack that I enjoy is nuts

and seeds, especially almonds and pumpkin seeds, as they provide me

with protein and healthy fats. Overall, I believe that it's essential to

choose nutritious snacks to maintain a balanced diet and promote overall


What was the most popular snack when you were young?

When I was young, there were several popular snacks that many children,

including myself, enjoyed. One of the most popular snacks from that

time was potato chips. They came in various flavors and were easily

accessible in most stores, making them a favorite among kids. Another

popular snack was chocolate bars, which appealed to children due to

their sweet taste and attractive packaging. Additionally, biscuits and

cookies were quite common, and many children loved them as an

after-school treat or during playtime. It's interesting to see how snacking

habits have evolved over the years, with more focus on healthier options


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